Fields Access Restrict : Restrict readonly/edit Restrict visibility[Invisible] Restrict required Fields Access Restrict : In this app: 1- Make fields readonly or field readonly with specific users [with group security]. 2- Make fields invisible or field invisible with specific users [with group security]. 3- Make fields required or field required with specific users [with group security].

Fields Access Restrict / Restrict Access

Disable POS Buttons With Groups

Disable POS Buttons With Groups

Hide edit/create/delete/export/archive buttons From Views in any selected module : Hide edit button with group security Hide create button with group security Hide import button with group security Hide delete button with group security Hide export button with group security Hide archive button with group security Hide buttons From View : In this app: 1- Make edit button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security]. 2- Make create button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security]. 3- Make import button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security]. 4- Make export button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security]. 5- Make archive button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security]. 5- Make delete button on form/tree/kanban views hidden with group security for specific users [with group security].

Hide buttons from views